curious-me's Diaryland Diary


TV & typing do not mix

Do you want to hear something messed up? While out shopping with the hubby this afternoon we stopped and took our blood pressure at one of those machines they have everywhere. We took them and mine was normal. Here's where it gets messed up. I think I was upset that it was normal. Say what? I'm right now trying to figure this out. It's not that I want to have high blood pressure and take meds for the rest of my life. But at the same time this was sort of my catalyst to get myself going in the right direction. Obviously because I wanted to 'look good' really wasn't working for me. But I'm not going to be dumb about this. I'm going to stick with the eating plan Keith and I have set up for me (and I'm pushing for him too cause he's just not facing HIS high blood pressure). Plus really - one good reading doesn't mean I don't have a problem. Only the test I take on the 16th can say that.

My 'diet' is interesting cause we're not just trying to help me lose weight but we're trying to lower my sodium and raise my iron. Fun times ahead. Tonight for dinner I had grilled fish and squash. Um yah. It was definately an interesting combo. Mostly resulting from just using the food we currently have. Tomorrow I go to the gym and we start to add exercise into the mix. Results better be mine!

So it's been a wee bit stressful here the last couple days. Keith has an opportunity to take over a route that has come available - well actually the company is kinda begging him cause they need someone stat. The cons? It's an hour and a half commute - yikes. Keith had some problems with his license but it got worked out and the company has rented him a truck - he starts tonight (2am). He's a wee bit nervous. All this went down Friday. He came home from work told me the few details he knew and then it was all worked out by the time I got home.

After getting the job sitch sorted out Keith drove me to C's town so he could have the car. I got dropped off at T's work and from there we headed to C's. We spent the night eating and drinking and having a pretty darn good time. We all have our own issues right now. Mine is the whole medical thing. T is ready for a melt down due to too much on her plate including having her mother in law living with her and C is ready to snap also cause she's always stressed out but her mom's health keeps seeming to nose dive. So we all talked about our problems, had many laughs, took some very bad pictures (bad as in man do I look BAD in that photo) and drank until the wee hours of the morning. Sleep wasn't my friend - T and I shared a double bed and she was a wee bit of a snorer so I tried the uncomfy couch for a few hours. We were up by 7:30 so no sleeping in for me! T and I did some shopping while feeling a wee bit hungover but overall I was feeling okay.

Okay my concentration is nil cause I'm watching the amazing race and it's actually pretty good. So I think I shall tie up this entry!

After getting home from shopping with T I took a walk to the new bra store around the corner from my place. The hubby met me there (and paid for my new bra - cha ching) and then we headed back home. It was all I could do to stay awake so I didn't. I ended up having a nap when the hubby went to bed but only slept an hour (I had to force myself to get up!). I ended up watching a movie (x-masy of course) and then not going to bed till 1:30!

Today the hubby and I were up pretty early and did a bunch of shopping including buying some x-mas presents - go us! We also purchased a new computer chair and it's pretty darn comfy - it also massages!

Okay commercials are over - back to the show.

7:55 p.m. - 2006-11-05


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