curious-me's Diaryland Diary


It's over already?!

Smart or dumb? I came in to work today sniffling and looking like a person who had a cold (oh yes the cold did hunker down and is still having a grand ol� time in this body of mine). An acting manager told me how terrible I looked and then said if I needed to go home arrangements could be made. Guess who�s still at work? Yah I stayed. After my morning coffee pepped me up some, I took some cold meds and felt almost human again. Plus, I really am a nice person and didn�t want to leave my co-workers in a lurch unnecessarily. Karma�are you listening?

So Christmas. Oh let�s not get to the meat and potatoes yet, let�s start with where we left off � Friday.

I did sniffle and snork my way through Friday and even managed to make it to my massage where my back but mostly my shoulders were abused for an hour (they were so tender the next day I nearly cried). The hubby and I managed to get a little more shopping in and the places we went to were only a little busy (YES!). I finally managed to finish my calendar x-mas project (I made a calendar of all the immediate family�s birthday and anniversaries included). This was no small feet as I forgot 6 of the templates at work and had numerous computer problems. When all was said and done we had the �good draft� finished at 2am.

Saturday we got my calendar copied several times for less than it would cost if we printed it ourselves then Keith and I took turns shopping for one another (last minute shoppers we are). That evening we were supposed to go to T�s to drop off presents and pick up ribs (don�t ask). I had to force myself to go but was definitely glad that I did. T and her guy had just put in their new hot tub. Even though I wasn�t planning on going in I did bring my suit just in case. Of course I went in and it was just plain awesome. It wasn�t too cold out and the water was just right. We�re going to their place for new years and I�m hoping that there won�t be a mad dash for the hot tub or that people at least share! We didn�t get home till well after midnight (oh and got a parking ticket to boot since Keith blocked part of their sidewalk).

Originally I had hoped to leave early Sunday morning to my parents to make it for church. But I came to my senses Saturday evening and called my parents and told them we wouldn�t be arriving till mid afternoon as we had too much still left to do. We got up, packed the car and then headed out around 2.

Honestly the next few days are a bit of a blur. It was just relaxing and fun. I love my family to pieces. The only thing that could have made it better is if my younger brother and his wife could have made it down sooner but at least I had my mom all to myself for that little bit of time. We ate, we played games, we ate some more and just generally had a good time. Christmas was its usual day of craziness. It�s been a while since I�ve been home for Christmas morning so I was pretty happy that I got to have our traditional breakfast (back bacon, scrambled eggs, homemade jam and toast). I didn�t realize how much I missed it till then. Before breakfast the four of us (mom, dad, me and Keith) opened our presents to each other. We opened all the rest once the rest of the family arrived later that afternoon.
Christmas was it�s usual crazy self. The kids were super hyper (even my nephew who was sick moments before walking in the door). The gift giving was its usual chaotic self. This time though I didn�t get upset at the disorganization of it all. Instead I sat back and watched everyone and smiled because it was just so crazy. Even my grandma made it which was a nice surprise. Her and my uncle are going through some tough times right now and unfortunately it�s through their own doing. And they won�t let anyone help them. We all fear it�s only going to get worse before it can even start to get better and even then it may never be truly repairable. I know that makes no sense to anyone reading this but its dirty laundry that is not mine to air. My grams has been avoiding us all the last few months and we were all happy when they didn�t make an excuse not to come at x-mas. They didn�t have gifts for anyone but I�m sure everyone understood.

Boxing Day we were supposed to get on the road at a decent time. It didn�t happen and this time I can say that it was 100% not my fault. Keith was helping my sil do some computer stuff that took a very long time. We didn�t leave for home till 8 o�clock and then just like two weeks ago we got in a wicked fight. It wasn�t pretty. I refused to drive and made Keith drive home. We drove home in silence. Silence sucks. On the good side I got to listen to a new album over and over for the 2 hour drive as neither one of us would touch the stereo. Once home we avoided each other for a little bit until finally we had it out. It�s never something simple with us. We dug around and examined why exactly we were fighting and actually did figure things out. I�m not sure if I feel like disclosing what was said right now as this is sort of a recap and the stuff we talked about definitely would need it�s own chapter. But we did end up making up and we almost had make up sex once we went to bed except we were both way too exhausted! You know you�re old when. Keith had to be up for 4am � ouch.

I woke up this morning feeling less than stellar myself but at least I had a few more hours sleep than he did. I was a little worried when there was a message on our machine from the person Keith is covering for the next few days. He was wondering why Keith hadn�t shown up at the warehouse. I immediately called Keith�s cell phone and found out that he had been running a few minutes behind. My mind immediately jumps to car accidents so I was a tad relieved upon hearing this. Of course it didn�t help my state of mind when he said that he had already hurt himself � something about a dock getting dropped on his legs. Apparently his legs are quite sore and there�s going to be a good bit of bruising. I really need to look into getting insurance on that guy. We�re screwed if he gets hurt.

Well enough of that negative nancy talk! I have got a little more than a half hour left then it�s splitsville for me. Home sweet home. I think it�s going to be an early bedtime tonight. T and her guy may be stopping by to drop off the ribs we forgot to get when we visited them. The house is a disaster so I guess I�m gonna have to do some quick cleaning when I get home. Sigh. Ah well at least it�s Thursday and tomorrow�s Friday! I wish now I had taken Monday off but what you gonna do? Suck it up I guess. Later tater.

4:16 p.m. - 2007-12-27


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