curious-me's Diaryland Diary


No cookie for me!

Holy crap am I tired today. The baby was up all night...nope...nope...wait, I don�t have a baby! Oh yah it was ME that was up all night. I could not for the life of me fall asleep. I tossed and turned and had a sore shoulder on one side and I was just miserable. I even took the magic sleeping pill and still nuthin�. That will teach me for sleeping in on the weekends! But I just can�t be one of those people that gets up early 7 days a week � I...I can�t!

My head is freakin� pounding but I�m refusing to take a pill. I�m giving blood after work and I hate having to explain why I took a Tylenol or what have you. The way they quiz you on the why�s and what not just makes it so annoying. This will be my first time giving blood at my old place for quite some time. Hopefully I don�t get turned away cause of the ol� iron. It�s always a crap shoot. I plan on snacking late in the day so I keep my blood sugar up and it doesn�t drop like it tends to around 5pm.

On my lunch hour I plan on getting out and taking a walk even though it�s hell�a cold out. I need the fresh air to get me through the afternoon. I plan on walking to the pharmacy and getting some hair gel. Not that you needed to know that.

Anywho C is starting to drive me ape-shit with this whole Bridal Shower. T is very chillax about it all � almost too much � well definitely too much according to C. You see I don�t really care. I don�t. I want to just invite the people T sent me on her list. I did the appropriate thing and emailed the moms and asked who they wanted. They gave me names. Not addresses but I�m working on those. If other people want to give T a Shower than go for it! Yah I�ll probably have to attend but what the hell. I don�t want 50 plus people at my shower and go in with C on renting a hall.

< Hey it�s snowing! >

So yah C is all over me like white on rice about emailing everyone and making calls and go go go. Granted I do tend to let things slip by until I am forced to do them but I still got weeks before that happens!

Bah I just realized I have to call my pharmacy to get refills on all my meds. That�s not the part that is upsetting me. I just realized one of my meds may be out of refills which means I�ll have to make an appointment with the doctor. Either that or they �Fax� my doctor for approval and that costs me $10. My doctor�s office and this pharmacy are side by side in the same building. Money scam. I�d rather book an appointment for free and bug my doctor � hm although technically he�ll be bugging me cause I�m damn sure I haven�t lost one pound since he weighed me last.

Well I just called and it looks like she�s going to get a repeat which will cost me $10 but I didn�t stop her cause I decided Hell I don�t wanna see my doctor!

I can sure as shit tell you right now exercising is NOT going to happen today � besides my pitiful walk at lunch. I feel so friggin� exhausted that after I give blood I plan on going home, eating, watching some tv and then heading to bed by like 9:30. Seriously if I am not asleep by 9:30 I may begin to cry which I�m sure would scare the hubby.

Can you tell I�m killing time before lunch? What else? Oh yah I booked our camping site for the May 2-4! We actually have people who have said Yes without us bugging them for an answer this year! Of course things may very well indeed change by this time next month but I�m still scarily optimistic. As long as it doesn't... snow!

My walk at lunch went smashingly! It really did help with the headache � although once back in the office �bang� it came back with a vengeance. Damn work!

I did go to the local pharmacy and bought 3 boxes of hair dye! One regular, one roots touch up and one hi-lite kit. They were on sale. I also did remember my hair gel! Oh and all that cost me $2.86. Why you ask? Cause I finally remembered to use my gift card from like 3 years ago. Feh. Ah well at least it was still honoured!

Now I am snacking on cheese and crackers (it�s 4:08) and tidying up my desk while gearing myself up for giving blood. I don�t mind giving. Nothing really hurts except for that initial pinch with the needle and yah sometimes there�s discomfort if the nurse didn�t get it exactly right but I survive and usually walk out of there feeling good with a cookie or two stashed in my pocket! Here�s hoping I don�t get rejected!


Update - so yah I got rejected. Had to do the walk of shame. The nurse told me to grab a cookie on the way out but I couldn't in good conscience. They took my iron twice - first time it was 118 and the second it was 124. It needs to be 125. Yah I missed it by that much. Boo! So I left not all that depressed (well except for the face I didn't get to sit in the New chairs!) and went home. Although once home I managed to summon up the energy to throw on some comfy clothes and head out for a walk. Guess I did exercise today after all! Go me.

Of course it's now 10:20 and that is way past my 9:30 bedtime! Oops. I better rectify that now - sweet dreams!

10:13 p.m. - 2011-04-18


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