curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Time Marches on

Yikes. I've been remiss in writing in here and March is just about over! I'll do a quick catch up while Keith finishes up with making dinner. It's a super long weekend for me - 5 days off - which is Amazing. Keith is off today, back to work tomorrow then off Sunday. I really wish he had a better less physical job - we're working on it.

Yesterday I had a me day. Got my hair chopped again. I was trying to grow it long but I rarely wore it down - only to dry and then maybe if I got a headache. I mostly wore it in a bun on top of my head or in a ponytail. I'm forced to wear it down when I cut it. Plus the longer hair makes my face feel super oval and long. I also got my eyebrows waxed it's been several months - luckily I have light colored brows so they never look horrible but I always feel better after getting them done - well except for the headache I get from having hair ripped from my face.

Tomorrow we head to visit my family for Easter when Keith gets off work. Keith's family is getting together Sunday but they only told us last week so we can't make it.

****Okay it's almost 7pm - dinner was delicious! Shrimp stir fry!

We did go visit Keith's family last weekend, although it wasn't really a pleasure visit, all the siblings needed to get together to discuss what to do about their dad. He is not good. He is basically drinking himself to death. Not eating, sleeping at odd hours and recently he fainted and is dizzy a lot. Well when you don't eat that's what happens. Also we think his liver is going which is not surprising as he has been an alcoholic for most of his life. We basically decided to hold off on making any decisions until he sees the doctor next week. They want to get his opinion on stuff and then the sibs will get together again.

On another topic Keith and I were going to try and leave early tomorrow - so basically the moment he was done work to go to a funeral. The wife of my dad's cousin died last week. The funeral was to be at 12 tomorrow but they moved it up to 11am and that is just not doable for us. I feel bad I would have liked to pay my respects. She was a nice lady.

On a much happier topic April is going to be a super busy fun month for me! After this weekend I will be going to the Falls for my MB weekend! I was calling it a girls weekend but it sounds like I may be the only girl attending. My 3 friends are dropping like flies so we will see! I was going to go solo in the beginning, so by myself or with friends I am still going! After that weekend I am off to visit my friend S and seeing the play her guy wrote and is starring in - pretty pumped! The weekend after that I start my one week vacation. I am heading to visit my family for a few days then back to take my man out for his belated x-mas gift - a float and then lunch at a brewery!

I have to start a new normal at work next week. My last remaining coffee clutch co-worker has retired. There were 4 of us now there is just me. It is going to be super bizarre without her as she sat on the other side of my cubicle wall and we bitched and talked and helped each other out. Happy for her but sad for me!

Alright I think I will end this entry now and maybe try and update more than once in April!

5:22 p.m. - 2018-03-30


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