curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Spring is broken!

This weather is seriously testing my patience! It's been horrible "Spring" weather. More on that in a sec...

The second weekend of April saw me heading down to my friend S' and her singer guy after work on Friday. Traffic was pretty good despite a bit of rain. That evening I finally saw the musical he wrote and it was quite good! Not a full crowd due to the craziness of the weather. It was a fun evening though. After the show we headed back to their place along with a couple other friends, they left around midnight and the 3 of us called it a night about 2:30. I was up at 9:30 and made enough noise to wake my hosts by 10. We then went out for 'breakfast' which turned out to be a donut and coffee. Then we dropped Singer guy off and S and I did some girls only thrift shopping and had a cheap lunch. By the time we got back to her place at 3 it had begun to hail so I hit the road home.

The drive home was much worse as the more I drove the worse the weather got. Halfway home I came to a complete stop as the roads were very slick and there had been an accident and it had closed the highway for a bit. I was never so glad to pull into my driveway by 5pm (normally just a 1 hour drive).

For some reason we went out Sunday afternoon for a few things only to realize how horrible the roads were (still).

Before I went to bed I checked outside and it was still freezing rain and our front door wouldn't open as there was a buildup in front of it. I awoke around 3:30 and heard the hubby getting ready to leave. For some reason after I heard the car drive off I got up and looked out the living room window. There he was on the road fixing a windshield wiper. I watched him get back into his car and make a run for the road and then get stuck - the plow had been by and all the slush had frozen into huge chunks. He came to get the shovel and told me to go back to bed, so of course I got dressed and went outside and joined him. 45 minutes later, 3 shovels and 2 amazing neighbours later we got him off the ice chunks the car was stuck on and he left for work.

I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't until like 6am so when I woke up at 6:30, looked out the window saw the plow still hadn't been by and knew I wasn't risking trying to drive over those chunks I called in to work and then went back to sleep!

Around 11 the plow had been by so I went out and did the horrible task of shovelling the slushy ice at the end of our driveway. Brutal but I knew I didn't want Keith doing it when he came home - the man went to work with wet shoes and socks so I knew his day was rough!

Tomorrow I am meeting up with T and C to celebrate T's upcoming birthday. We're having din and then going to see a horror movie - I"m not thrilled about it BUT C didn't want to purchase tix beforehand so I'm not gonna lie I'm really hoping they are sold out when we go! Hehe.

C and I are giving T earrings she saw during our MB weekend at a Coach store. They were half price with no tax. C apparently thought she was giving them solo as her gift. I wasn't thrilled with that and told her so. T regrets not buying them so I know it's going to be a gift she loves and remembers and selfishly I want to be part of that!

Okay I think I've said enough for now! Time to load this and put the electronics away! Here's to a drama and freezing rain free day tomorrow!

8:15 p.m. - 2018-04-16


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