curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Move it along Monday

Quick entry since I am on here reading other d-landers and sending some notes. My weekend was fairly productive! Saturday Keith got home from work and we ended up going out and running some errands including dropping off more donation stuff. We got back a little after lunch and my neighbour was gone - I wonder if she thought I went out to avoid her - lol - I didn't btw!

After eating lunch and then watching some flix while enjoying my xl coffee I finally got my butt in gear and worked on the office. I'm now at the piddly part where I have to start taking things off the walls - shelves and putting up other stuff (lg framed pictures) so that may not happen til Friday when I am off. BUT the good news is that I am confident I will have my work stuff moved into the office this weekend. I can't believe I set a goal for myself and am going to meet it! I'm pretty proud of myself!

Sunday after watching church - I did another donation run, more coffee and lunch run (we don't usually eat out 2 days in a row). After that I zoomed with my mom and played banana grams. We usually chat for about 30 minutes and then the game takes about 45 minutes. The games may ease up in the summer as I'm sure they will be out at their camper and I'm sure I will be outside on my front deck reading. I sure hope I will be able to get back into reading! I do have a book I am wanting to read but I think it's a mystery or horror. I had initially picked it out at a thrift store for T when she asked me to look for her but then she said she read it but it was good so I took it.

After zooming since it was gloomy and cold instead of taking an afternoon walk like I normally do I started working in the office again. Keith and I had some words this weekend as he doesn't agree with how I am doing this project. I basically told him to shut it and just be supportive. I"m not asking him to do anything - except carry the heavy stuff I can't - but besides that I do it all. I then may have made a snide comment about how at least I am doing stuff and then pointedly looked at the floor ie the basement. I don't think I'll be writing that "how to stay married" book anytime soon!

And that was pretty much my weekend. Now Monday is under my belt. Only 3 more days left then it's vacay! We are pretty sure we are going to the Easter Sunday service instead of Good Friday now. The weather looks so much nicer. But we are going to make that decision Wednesday. Hey weather- be stable already!

Alright time to go watch Big Bro Canada and call it a night.

9:12 p.m. - 2021-03-29


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