curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Sayonara 2021!

Last entry of the year! Buh-bye 2021. The year that never was. I swear ever since March 2020 the days and months have been a blur. One big unknown stressful blur. There have been good days - great days - when life felt almost normal and we got to see family and friends again and go out and live life. Until the next lockdown and the restrictions kicked back in. I guess one thing we have all learned is how resourceful we are!

Speaking of resourceful we are all ready for NYE tonight! We went and bought a bunch of appetizers and booze and are just going to nosh and drink until about 11 at which time we hope to head outside (weather dependent) and spend some outside time with our 2 sets of neighbours and hopefully ring in the new year together again this year.

I was feeling bad that T would be by herself - her daughter is with her but probably won't be able to stay up til midnight. I did end up inviting them both over but then she told me she also had her dog (her ex has the dog but will be away for the night). A bit of a game changer. We both sort of backed away from the offer - ha. If she really wanted or needed to come over we would have made it work but she seems content to stay home so all is well.

I thought I had a day off from making a run to the storage unit tomorrow as their sign says they are closed on holidays. Then Keith pointed out it's the office that is closed not the actual facility. We'll see if I'm up for it. My plan for tomorrow was to start sorting what is left. We have a few things for donation, some for garbage day next week and of course more stuff to load into the jeep for storage. We'll see how I feel tomorrow - if I have any kind of hangover - booze or tired?

In the past I have always made a half hearted attempt at New Years resolutions. This year? I just can't. I always want to improve myself. I need to be healthier. I need to exercise more. But I just don't have it in me to do the 'rah rah' thing it's a new year. How about we just concentrate on getting this virus under control and having life go back to 'normal'. I haven't heard if my gym had to shut down again but it sure would be nice to start working out again in the New Year.

BUT until then there is food to be made and eaten. There is booze to be poured and drank! There is yelling to be done at midnight! So long and good riddance 2021! I hope you all have a safe and happy new year! Here's hoping 2022 is a much better year for everyone!!!

3:05 p.m. - 2021-12-31


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