curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Wrapping up 2015

I may be writing this entry to avoid napping and thus ruining my sleep tonight. Even though it's a 3 day weekend I'm trying not to get too off my sleep schedule - on second thought staying up till the wee hours of the night last night ringing in the New Year probably threw it off already. But more about that in a bit first we have to get through Christmas.

Christmas was fun and not as chaotic as I expected. Keith and I arrived with half an hour to spare til the x-mas eve service started. Sadly I found the service lacking this year and yes part of this was due to not having my dad doing the service (they were at another church). Even my older brother leaned over and said is it me or is this guy super boring? Okay I'm paraphrasing but seriously this dude is so monotone and just doesn't have that personal touch that I think a minister should have. After the service my older brother, younger brother and their families all headed back to my parents - mom and dad had made it back from their service before us. We had a good couple hours til everyone dispersed and went home to await Santa in their own homes.

Christmas morning Keith, my parents and myself were up around 8:30. We opened our gifts to each other and then had breakfast (scrambled eggs, peameal bacon and toast as per our tradition). Then it was time to get the party started as we headed down to the church as we rented it out to have our family x-mas dinner. There were 28 of us this year. A bit smaller than usual. I helped set up (thankfully I wasn't asked to be in the kitchen!) and then people started arriving and I did my best to be more social this year and talk to more people not just my close knit group of peeps. Before we knew it it was 6 o'clock but felt more like 10pm! We were all tuckered out and after cleaning and putting everything away - oh and playing our 'white elephant' game that my mom decided shouldn't involve stealing AT ALL so basically handing out random fun little gifts to everyone. It was an early night to bed - well sort of - I watched a really stupid tv movie with my parents that annoyed me more than it should.

Saturday Keith and I normally would have been travelling but we didn't have to leave til Sunday. We would also have been splitting our time with my younger bro and his fam but they had my sil's family x-mas so Keith and I were free and clear to lounge and hang out with parents that day. It was very nice and relaxing. We took a walk at one point - with the intent of getting something at the grocer but he was closed. It was a nice walk though. Oh yah I forgot to mention x-mas day weather was AMAZING I mean yah I wanted snow but if that wasn't going to happen then super warm weather was ok by me. I was out in a t-shirt loading the car and not cold at all!! Boxing day was much different. A cold front came in and it was quite chilly. From afternoon to night we played several games of scrabble and banana grams before calling it a night.

Sunday we said goodbye to my parents and they headed to their church while Keith and I headed to the local one. I had debated leaving Saturday with Keith but after I found out my brother would be preaching I decided to stay and offer moral support. He did a great job. He was a bit nervous but I think it's only his 2nd or 3rd time preaching so really he's doing amazing. I may be biased but he was much more personable than the other minister and way more engaging. After the service Keith and I left directly for home - we grabbed lunch on the road. Keith was happy because we made it home with enough time for him to stay up for a couple hours which never happens on a Sunday. Oh funny story about travelling down x-mas eve - we knew stuff was closing early but didn't think too much of it - until we had to stop for a bathroom break. 3 Tim's and 1 gas station (the gas station was open but the guy had locked the key inside the bathroom) before we stopped at another gas station that had a bathroom that was occupied by a very drunk guy (thankfully he left the bathroom clean!). Next year we'll have to remember not to drink so much liquid on the car ride!

I had Monday off work (Stat holiday for me) and then worked Tues-Thur which was insanely busy for my department. I stayed til 4:30 yesterday as part of the skeletal staff as everyone else was let off at 3pm. My other co-worker I worked with had asked if I could stay as she had company for nye. As she has more seniority than me anyway I said sure. Then she told me Tuesday how her company was no longer coming and didn't offer to switch until yesterday morning. Ha. I declined as I didn't mind staying. Plus the phones were dead after 3pm so I took down x-mas decorations in my cubicle and just chillaxed so that was cool and now I get 1.5 hour time in lieu.

Around 7 Keith and I loaded the car once again and headed to T's to spend NYE with them. We had a huge spread of appetizers and plenty of booze. It was a fun night although T wouldn't let me watch any of the 'ball shows' as she thought they were stupid so we watched regular tv which wasn't so much my thing. I like having the ball stuff on so we can talk more rather than stare at the tv and get engrossed in shows. Luckily I kept interrupting everyone by taking pictures etc so before we knew it it was 2 minutes to midnight! She thankfully turned the channel so we could watch the ball drop and do the count down.

And now? Now we are back home after getting about 6 or 7 hours of shut eye and thankfully not hung over just really tired (drunk sleep never counts). Keith has to work tomorrow so bed for him at 6. I doubt I will do much of anything today. Tomorrow I have to start taking down x-mas as our tree has stopped absorbing water. I also have to wrap a few last x-mas gifts as we are having x-mas with Keith's family on Sunday. Just presents for the kids and 2 white elephant gifts. And now I am done. Welcome 2016! Let's be the kind of kick ass year I will be happy to look back on!!

2:32 p.m. - 2016-01-01


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