curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Turning the big Italy!

Whoa it's been a minute!

I turn 50 in 4 days.

Tomorrow I leave for Italy for 11 days.

I had 3 birthday parties. 2 were surprise parties thrown by friends. And I was totally surprised by both of them! The 3rd was a party thrown by my parents and to say I got choked up thinking about how blessed I am to have all these people in my life would be an understatement.

I also got a gift from my gyno - she left a message on the long weekend saying my results were in and that there was "no urgency" and she would see me when I get back from my trip. She had thrown around the C word at the appointment - she didn't think it was but needed to rule it out. The world got lighter.

And not to be too TMI but my period is just finishing up as we leave for Italy and I nearly wept at the timing. Thank you God.

Ok this was just a brief update. I am technically on vacation as of today but I'm going to log into work tomorrow for an hour or so to attend a large meeting.

Then Keith and I will pack the jeep and hit the highway - stopping for lunch and then on to the airport. And may I just say trying to pack 'light' was hard and I did not really pass that course.


10:03 p.m. - 2024-09-11


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