curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Summer is officially starting!

Well another birthday on a boat happened! My friend got her 50th birthday party on a boat. The emails began flying on Tuesday I believe. All were sleeping on the boat except for Keith and I. First I thought we were forgotten but then I read previous messages and we were offered to sleep in the other smaller boat. I declined. Yah I had my nose a little out of joint. Also pms'ing so take that with a grain of salt.

I slept on my reply and then said how excited we were to attend but that we would be leaving at the end of the night. I was ok with my decision. I think S may have been upset with that. She wanted us all to drink and party. Two days before the event the b-day girl and her hubby advised they had to also only do a day trip as they were expecting family in Sunday and didn't want to be hungover and rushing home. I reached out and offered to be their DD as well. It was definitely out of our way but I thought it silly for them to drive as well. They agreed.

They wanted to leave a bit earlier than we could get there on Saturday to pick them up and then offered to give us cash to take the 407 pay highway. It was going to be bumper to bumper traffic on the regular highway so I agreed.

We got there just a little bit after we said we would - the hardest part was getting into the marina. There were cops only allowing the people who lived there and people who had passes to go down the road. We were all sent a pass on our phones but thankfully the b-day girl had the foresight to print it off. We had to get in a long line of people wanting to go down the road about 2 cars out of 20 actually went down everyone else got rejected. The bored cop waved me away until I grabbed the paper and shook it at her - lol I had had enough driving by then!

We were the first to arrive. S and her guy showed up about 15 minutes later. I ramped up my 'fun' vibe because I wasn't drinking and a couple hours into the event the host made a comment about Keith driving us home because I was drinking - I laughed because I had zero alcohol! Woo! Fun sober party girl pulls it off!

We didn't swim this time because it wasn't as hot and I suspect because their dingy wasn't working. We did go on their sailboat just as it began to rain. Luckily it was a light rain so it was fine. We headed back in and when we got to the house boat the sun came out - tricky sun! We headed out to the marina restaurant to have dinner which was about 3 hours long. Fun tho. The b-day girl had drank a lot which I've never seen her do and she was starting to feel not good. S had also drank a LOT - due to stress with her dying dad I'm sure - but then she also partook of some maryjane the host had. The hostess smokes a LOT and has a huge tolerance. S was immediately out of it and glassy eyed for most of dinner. It was quite interesting being the only sober person. I actually enjoyed it! Yah I like drinking with friends but it was nice not to get to too tipsy and then start to feel icky.

The b-day girl wanted to leave pretty much as soon as we got to the boat so we headed out just before 11pm. Her hubby was so chatty on the way home it was cute. He was drunk! He is a super nice guy but pretty quiet - but get some liquor and he is a chat box! I loved it. It kept me nice and alert! We dropped them off and got back on the road. I stopped for gas at midnight cause it was super cheap and then grabbed our snack bag from the back. Keith opened a meat stick and after a few bites got a piece caught in his throat. So he began to cough - and cough - and then .....oh no....pull the car over!

Thankfully I was alert to how his coughing was sounding and immediately pulled over even when he had said no. As soon as I did he opened the door and then - yah. We spent several minutes with me pacing outside the vehicle and him doing his thing. Thankfully he felt ok after that and I was able to get us back on the road and home for 1am.

Yup it was a crazy night. It was nice to wake up in my own bed this morning albeit tired but not hungover!

I showered then ran out to get a couple things including a super large coffee and then proceeded to clean the rest of the day. My back is killing me. LOL. I said to Keith how said cleaning makes me so sore! But I feel I accomplished a lot yet there's a lot more to do. No sitting back and patting myself. We have been really lax these last few months and I'm gonna say it just plain dirty college kids. But seeing how clean things are now makes me so happy!

I'm gonna try and do a bit more before calling it a day. I had to shower again before dinner. I just finished zooming with my mom. Zoom is sure pissing me off these days. It lets you zoom for 40 minutes then cuts you off. In the beginning you could immediately start a new session. Then it made you wait 5 minutes before starting the next session. Tonight it was 8 minutes. F*ckers just want my money. How far will they go I wonder before I give it up? Time will tell. And no I won't pay. My mom and I will just have to chit chat before hand via the phone and then when it's time for our word game we'll jump on and make sure to be done within 40 minutes. A time limit might not be a bad thing!

Ok I'm rambling now probably to avoid more cleaning.

Oh wait I never did mention my Friday! I ended up leaving work early! Half planned half legit. This week had been utter hell. We were so short staffed and I for the life of me cannot just accept I won't meet my stats and instead go full tilt and try and get everything done that I should despite the extra strain of so many extra calls. Well by Friday I was DONE. Also my stomach had been cramping all day and I legit think it was anxiety and stress! I logged out an hour early. Sick time. Eff em. They are legit making me sick so I am legit leaving.

Also I was driving myself crazy cause I was looking for a pair of my favourite shorts to wear on Saturday. They are jean shorts and too baggy but so comfy. I kind of remembered toying with getting rid of them at the end of last summer and I was all panicky cause I couldn't remember if I did! On my lunch hour I kept looking and lo and behold found them in another bag of summer clothes I had forgot about. I have WAY too many clothes. I have a small closet - a walk in closet is a fantasy of mine. While looking for said shorts I was ruthless and got rid of a huge bag of clothes - a lot work clothes cause if I ain't going back to the office except for a few times a year do I really need them all? It's a weird feeling.

So yah I logged out of work - Keith and I headed out to go get the oil changed on our jeep. We were supposed to have dinner at my lobster place but I felt so crappy I asked him if we could postpone. It's not his favourite place so he was ok with it. We shopped for a little bit and then we sat in the car trying to figure out what to get for din due to my iffy tummy. What's funny is that we sat there for almost half an hour just shooting the breeze! Like people that date do! LOL. I love when that stuff happens. You don't feel like a stuffy married person.

Don't mind me my lack of sleep is making me ramble. Time to wrap this entry up. This Saturday starts the craziness of our summer. Not sure I will have to time to write especially when my nephews are here and definitely not went I'm at a cottage. We'll see if I can squeeze one in by the end of the week!

Let's go!

8:28 p.m. - 2023-07-09


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