curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Gambling and gobbling

Well we made it back and aren't broke! It actually was a really fun 4 days - a busy, expensive 4 days! Holy cow is Vegas expensive! I couldn't find a coffee for less than $5! Well I did see one 7/11 sign advertising $2 but that was off the strip and the Tesla uber was flying by so fast it was a blur! Ironically we had never uber'd before this trip and then we became experts!

We also walked a LOT. I mean like 30 thousand steps kind of days. There was one night - when we couldn't get to a spot to get an uber - that I just wanted to lie down in the middle of the crowd and cry. My feet hurt. My hips hurt. My back hurt. Everything hurt. Keith was in a cranky mood. So I just pasted a semi smile to my face and kept marching along rubbing his back and trying to lighten the mood. We did end up getting to a spot - ironically the Mirage which we heard is being torn down - and having an uber rescue us. That was the speeding Tesla guy.

I won't bore you with the specifics just know we had a great time and would definitely go back! Oh and I was thisclose to tears during our vow renewal. The minister had us face each other the whole time and I had to keep looking away when I felt the tears start to come. Just so you know - I pretty much cry at ANY wedding. I'm that sentimental person with the tissue in their hand - but this one was extra tear jerking.

The flights were ok - we got to the airport way too early on the way there and our flight was delayed - the only food was behind security so we were pretty hungry. The Vegas airport had food everywhere as soon as you walked in the door. Take a clue Detroit!

We did gamble a bit - money we earned from sitting thru a presentation (yup we got suckered into doing that) but we also got $100 card at a casino, $100 for food at a restaurant, $50 in visa gift cards and 2 uber rides. And we used it ALL. Ha. We even kept cashing out while at the slots whenever we won a few dollars so we walked away with $40. That was Keith's idea. He's smart.

So yah - now back to real life. We got back Tuesday - well technically Wednesday cause it was 1:30 am when we pulled into the driveway. Wednesday afternoon I had an eye procedure - removed 2 cysts around my eyes. One was pretty big the doctor said - mostly under my skin so it wasn't crazy noticable. The other I didn't even notice until he asked me about it. It's "cosmetic" so our hc system doesn't pay for it - what a-holes. Both eyes seem to be healing ok - but it's driving me nuts not to rub them!

This weekend is Cdn thanksgiving. Obviously we are not ready. But we'll pull it together. We'll head up for the night on Saturday. We'll come home Sunday so we'll have Monday to recuperate and rest! I also really need to get the clothes situation sorted. Put away the shorts etc. Funny enough the weather here was HOTTER than Vegas!! Vegas was a bit chilly which I found hilarious. I brought one pair of pants and wore those bad boys most evenings! I also got to buy hoodies so I'm not complaining. Plus, it was very comfortable walking around during the day - except for the one time it rained IN VEGAS - the uber driver laughed when we told him about getting caught in the rain.

So a 2 day work week and next week a 4 day one. I'm ok with that. Oh plus I came back with a croaky throat! I'm not sick. I have a bit of a cough now so maybe a small cold? Probably just worn down from the travelling and lack of sleep. Also I am NOT used to cigarrette smoke. You can't smoke anywhere here in Canada. But Vegas? A free for all!

Ok wrapping this up - to watch some BB and hit the hay. I had a heck of a time trying to sleep last night. It was 11pm but my body was saying it was 8pm (Vegas time) and wanted to get up and go! Mkay really leaving. Happy Thanksgiving to any Canadians out there!

9:36 p.m. - 2023-10-05


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