curious-me's Diaryland Diary


The extra hour of sleep is only good if you actually sleep fyi

How can gaining an hour of sleep leave me so tired? Well I did sleep like crap last night. One of those nights. Ah well to bed early tonight. I just finished zooming with my mom. Only one 40 minute free session (normally we do 2 sessions). I think she was tired too.

As it turns out we didn't need a live trap for the possum - Keith went back a day or so later and didn't see the possum then he emptied our little shed and it's been empty all week with the stuff all over our back yard. Today we both went out and he hooked a rope up to the shed and then to the car he managed to straighten the thing out! It had a wicked tilt. We both didn't really think it would work but lo and behold we can now close the doors on the shed! So Keith put everything back in - nicely - while I cleaned the yard of debris and also trimmed the tree that leans on the shed. My arms were killing me - especially my left. I went to take a drink of coffee a few times and as I tilted the cup my arm would shake uncontrollably. It was freaky. I over did it.

We then called it a day and headed inside to shower and I thought spend a lazy Sunday putzing around but instead we went out for lunch and then out to a nearby antique store and browsed the afternoon away until it was time to go then we ate at the diner down the street - I got half of mine to go so I have lunch for tomorrow. Our house is a disaster but I don't care - it was a good day!

I told Keith I would love a month off of work. He said I would waste it but I feel I wouldn't. Sure the first couple of days I'd probably revel in not working but then I like to think I'd get down to giving our house some TLC. However the only reasons you get off work for a length of time usually involve sadness and grief and I don't want time off that bad.

I had a bum knee all week. It kept shooting pain thru it and once in a while it would give way. Keith wanted me to make a dr appointment but I am a big believer in not doing that. So I just babied it. Iced it - elevated it - wrapped it a couple times and even went swimming. I think it all helped. So far no more shooting pain and no more giving out! Maybe I'll even manage to go back to the gym this week!

Halloween was a success. We weren't sure we'd pull it together. Poor Keith was not feeling halloween the night before. I carved a pumpkin while he watched then I de-gutted 2 others but left them uncarved and we called it a night. On Halloween his truck broke down at work but thankfully it only set him back a bit and he made it home a little after lunch and worked like a dog to make our front yard into a scary scene. Almost everyone who came to the door complimented us - even the kids - which was so sweet! A few jump scares at a little creeper we have at the foot of the stairs. At 9 we took it all down and 45 minutes later it was like it never happened!

Work has been weird. A huge part of my job is to be on a phone queue. Approximately a month ago I was given a new phone with a different cell provider - only a handful of us got these cell phones. Well for some strange reason they will not work. The sound is horrible. They drop calls in the middle of a conversation. They blamed it on the dongle and so far that doesn't seem to be a problem - and I've now gone thru 4 of them. I have no idea. Part of me loves having no phones but I now instead just sit there and grind out the work - and there is work - so much work - soul sucking work. So yah my feelings are mixed to say the least.

Ok time to wrap this up and maybe do some dishes. I am honestly considering going to be bed super early and just seeing if I get up and have the energy to get er done as they say.

Oh and just to follow up my whinging about the lip tint. I did look on ebay and the prices are laughable! So I have currently found a regular chapstick that has a light tint to it and that will have to do. I bought like 9 of them cause I figure they will get rid of those ones too - ha!

Ok time to fall back....into my bed and sleep! zzzz

8:02 p.m. - 2023-11-05


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