curious-me's Diaryland Diary


C'mon zzzzzz's don't let me down!

Well that was a week I do not want to repeat anytime soon. Two funerals is just exhausting. I cried at both but the first one hit me harder as I knew the lady much better. We loved to tease each other. Both days were draining. The whole week was draining driving back and forth and just having those sad thoughts in your head the whole time. Friday I went to the funeral by myself. Keith had to work. I ended up staying the night at my parents rather than drive home in the dark in the evening when Keith would be in bed anyway.

It turned out to be a nice time with my parents and makes me realize again just how fragile they are. My dad is so unsteady on his feet. We all wish he would do something to strengthen his legs - swimming would be ideal - or just being in water walking and such - but you can't make someone do these things. I mean, hell, I'm one to talk - I do nothing for myself these days - exercise wise. I know I should. I'm not dumb - but do I do it? No.

I was cleaning my room the other day - and I knocked over a glass of water on my bedside table - had to pull it out and take everything off - I accidentally stumbled upon an appointment card for my specialist appointment in 3 weeks - whoops. I thought it was in the New Year. So that's not something I'm looking forward too.

What else? Last night I slept for 9 hours! I haven't done that in months. I woke up actually feeling good which again hasn't happened in months. Normally I wake up exhausted. I wish Keith could do the same. He sleeps horribley cause of the pain from work and I know from the emotional/mental pain of our relationship woes. My attitude has always been to not live in the past and move on but he is a dweller. He does not move on easily and tends to stew on things. Maybe my way isn't the best but that's how I'm built.

My social calendar for December is looking ridiculous! I have 2 or 3 events planned every week for the next 4 weeks. Then add in work events and appointments and it's exhausting to think about. Most are fun/happy things so I'm trying to concentrate on that.

One of the work events involves flying! My work is flying me to Ottawa for my team x-mas get together. Putting me up in a hotel and everything. I am honestly shocked and unfortunately suspicious of their motives (how sad). However I'm pretty sure it all boils down to extra money in the budget and as I learned years ago if they don't spend ALL the money that year - they get less the next year. So throw a bone at me I guess! We'll see if it happens - as you know I'm a don't believe it type person until the event is pretty much starting.

I haven't done one thing for x-mas in terms of decorating. Keith still has halloween sprawled in our basement. He feels bad he hasn't done anything yet but it is what it is. November has been a hard month for us. Dealing with deaths. The anniversary of his mom's birthday and of course coming up is the anniversary of her death. Then pile on work issues and marital issues and it's surprising we're both still standing!

I hope December sees a turn for us. I'm supposed to get a chunk of money from our union contract when we won a grievance but I have not one clue as to how much it will be. I just figure when I open my bank account on Thursday I will be in for at least a nice surprise with any extra cash flow this time of year!

Ok on that note I am gonna call it a night and do some putzing and relaxing before bed. It sure would be nice to have another great night of sleep!

8:25 p.m. - 2023-11-26


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