curious-me's Diaryland Diary


T dot excursion time!

Quick entry since I am on here catching up! I just finished zooming with my mom. Now I'm watching football. I don't like football. I just haven't bothered to turn the channel since the half time show ended. It was eh for me. The heights thing was cool but looked scary. Singing was good. All the dancers in white looking like marshmallows were um interesting? No surprise guests which they hinted at all week. It was meh for me. But I'm sure I'm not their target audience.

My mind is mush. We drove to Toronto yesterday making a few stops along the way to our hotel. We got to it later than planned so Keith only had a short nap. I swam while he napped. Then we walked to the theatre. It was about a 25 minute walk but we turned it into a 45 or 50 minute walk. The gps in our phones doesn't handle T dot well. All the tall buildings throw it off and it starts sending us down the wrong streets. We nearly had a blow out in the very beginning as Keith tried to direct us the exact wrong way. Thankfully I took a deep breath and explained why it was the wrong way. I have a tendency to get louder when I'm frustrated. We found the theatre with 10 minutes to spare.

We had excellent seats - I chose them very carefully - on the balcony first row - centre. The play was Excellent! The special effects were stunning and spectacular! The play was 3 hours long plus an intermission but it honestly didn't feel that long! Our walk back was just as convoluted and took us just as long but this time we laughed more than bickered! Thankfully we found the hotel without too much trouble. Although we both found it funny that no matter where we were we could never see the CN Tower. The buildings are just that big now. Our hotel was beside the Tower so we thought it could work as a land mark. Ha.

This morning we were both so sore - walking mostly for me - not sure why Keith was so sore since he walks way more than me for his work. But we went down to the pool and swam and sat in the hot tub for a while.

After checking out we drove to Ikea and spent waaaaaay too much there. We got a few things in mind for new stand alone cabinets in the kitchen. We just have to pull the trigger. Luckily we have a pick up location not too far from our house. We did buy a few small impulse buys. One being a holder for a tablet, phone or book for the kitchen when you're cooking or baking - all me. I'm usually using the side of the toaster and that doesn't work too well!

We hit a couple more places after Ikea and then the highway home. Grabbed din down the street to go. It was a lovely quick weekend!

Tomorrow work is shaking things up by having us bid on our shifts! Yup they now want us to choose which hours we "prefer" and you choose from all 30 of the options I think. Then it goes by seniority what you get. I have 23 years in and I am pretty sure I will not get my top 10. People in my department seriously don't retire from this place. Here's the kicker - I don't think I'm that upset about it!

Here's my thinking. Lately every day is feeling like ground hog day. Especially working from home. Before going in to work you spoke to different people and went to a few different places and dressed up (by that I mean didn't wear jeans or sweats every day). Which I LOVE don't get me wrong. But lately I'm just going thru the motions. Oh trust me I have a feeling that this whole "shift bidding" is going to bite me in the ass big time and I will be back here bitching about being forced to work 9am to 5pm instead of 8am to 4pm. And having lunch at 11:30 - I mean wtf is up with that?! But right now it's something different PLUS and this is huge. I could be pissy about all this. I could be irate. I could be super frustrated. I could swear til I was blue in the face but guess what? It wouldn't change a thing. It would only hurt me. My physical and mental health. Gotta learn to be zen and just do what is in my control.

What else? I went swimming with T on Friday for the first time in months! Maybe this is also why I am so sore! My body is like what the ef curious-me?! We like to do nothing! Apparently I am a royal we. But yowza while playing with the shower controls yesterday and trying not to scald myself I had a lot of naked time in the mirror with myself and I wasn't loving what I was seeing! I have to work on that!

Ok I went over my time - I need to turn this football off - shut down the house and head to bed! My fitbit told me I slept 4 hours last night but I'm pretty sure it's a big fat liar cause I slept beside Keith who got 7 so I'm pretty sure I didn't get up and do loops around the room or stare out the window at the CN Tower all lit up (although that one sounds like something I would do!).

What I'm trying to say is I'm Tired. G'night!

9:41 p.m. - 2023-02-12


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