curious-me's Diaryland Diary


A bumpy lumpy hump day

Well this was a bumpy hump day. I am glad this day is almost over. I did the thing I detest the most: I cried at work. I was frustrated and mad and just over everything. I had a meeting with my boss and that's when I cried. He is the one who upset me btw. I don't even feel relieved because my boss is not only my boss but a friend and it's just embarrassing to cry in front of him. I also am one to laugh things off even when I'm upset and just make a joke and move on. Yah sometimes the jokes are pointed so people know I am upset. Not today tho - today the tears did the talking. Sigh. I just gotta move on.

Also? Work is really pissing me off. Work harder. Faster. More. More. More. But don't make mistakes! I really just want to give them the big middle finger and tell them where to go. So instead I try and just realize how lucky I am. I do have job security. I do have benefits - great benefits - that pay for so much especially all the meds Keith and I are on. The other day the pharmacy went to charge me for some pills for Keith by mistake and it was an eye opener. I was like what if we had to pay for meds every month? Surely we'd be on less and probably not doing as good as we are. Just another reason why I have to keep my butt motivated in going to the gym.

On Monday instead of going to the gym after work we headed down to the place that sold us our fridge to yell and kick some butt. I don't want to rehash it but we left still upset but on the road to answers and resolution. That evening I was pouty and angsty and upset that I missed the gym. It's a slippery slope when you skip a day cause it's so easy to skip the next and the next. So I grabbed my gym bag and ran to the gym (well drove) and worked out until 9pm. I rewarded myself by having a go in the massage chair before I left the gym.

Keith and I had a date night last night dinner and a movie. It was a nice evening until Keith was violently ill in the middle of the night. Probably something he ate earlier that day. He's got such a sensitive stomach. Today he spent exhausted and sore on the couch - or as I called it a ploy to get out of putting up those cabinets. Yah - they still aren't done! Instead he swapped out the tires on the vehicles on the weekend and then went on about how sore he was. I tease but I know how much work it was and because I wasn't forced into helping he did it all himself. I was at the gym for most of it (hehe).

So yah neither of us got a lot of sleep last night and we were both tired today - probably didn't help with the the whole emotional work sitch.

Moving on to Thursday. Tomorrow I am making a work run on my lunch hour to pick up an ergo chair that I used to have at my desk that they are offering to me. Full disclosure - to you only - the chair wasn't mine I stole it! Now the person I stole it from is on some kind of permanent long term disability and wasn't using it and never will tbh. So I'm feeling ok to take it over. Plus the office is cart blanche getting rid of all the chairs as they are buying all new ones for the relocated office in June. An office I won't be going too but c'est la vie.

Alright I think that's about all I got. Time to get changed into the jam-jams and watch some BB and just relax. I did have a lovely evening hanging out with a friend. We went on what we call our sub walk. We started this during the pandemic - near the end when we could see each other. We walk to a plaza - hit the thrift store if we make it on time, the dollar store and then the sub shop. Walk back to her place and chit chat while we eat din together. This evening I brought her a present for no reason - a mug to use for her summer fun. She'd been looking for one for a while and I saw it on the weekend at a store we were at. I was so happy she liked it! She asked what she owed me and I was like don't be silly - nothing! She does so much for me when I bring her anything to paint or make pretty cause she is so damn talented! I brought her 2 little gnomes that she made look so dang adorable when she painted them. Every time I look at them they make me smile

Ok I am leaving! Time to shake the rest of this day off and just ooooooooooommmm it away!

8:46 p.m. - 2023-05-10


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