curious-me's Diaryland Diary


A little bit of this a little bit of that

It's a beautiful 23 degrees celcius out. Our apartment is an absolute sty. I haven't been to the gym in almost 2 weeks. But here I sit in front of the computer. Sometimes I think I must have been dropped on my head as a child one too many times.

I do know that if I had a book right now I'd be outside reading in a heart beat. But alas no book. The gym is a no no cause I am stuffed. We had a work party for a co-worker who's leaving (which I planned - ahem). The party was from 3 - 4:30 - we had it at a bar down the street (woo). I only had one 'real' drink but a lot of munchies - wings, nachos, onion rings and fries. A little bit of everything adds up to a whole lot. The thought of going to the gym right now makes me want to hurl. Although I do know I need to get back and soon. I weighed myself this morning and miraculously haven't gained anything since the last time I weighed myself 2 weeks ago. This surprises me greatly cause eating feels like it's turned into a hobby for me! Plus I had KFC for dinner 2 nights in a row (the second time I thought I was going to hurl as soon as I finished - too much grease but it was oh so convenient).

I started writing an entry at work about my long weekend but it's been crazy busy this week and I haven't got a chance to finish and post - definately tomorrow! Although I also have a crap load of work tomorrow to do cause I basically did nothing today! Spent half the morning with our receptionist gabbing and catching up and then this afternoon was spent planning the work party and then of course being at the party!

I need a nap. I did not sleep well last night. It's this apartment. I am now conditioned to not get a good night sleep without my hubby here. This does not bode well and I must get myself out of this mindset.

If I don't eat some veggies soon I think I may keel over. I can't believe lettuce is at an all time high right now - what's up with that?!

Yesterday morning I was pretty much trapped on my front lawn when I tried to leave for work. Our street is torn up quite badly and they had piled a whole crap load of dirt right on our sidewalk up to the hedge so I couldn't go anywhere. I stared at the construction guy with my pissed off gaze for a few minutes did a shoulder strug then walked the opposite way that I was supposed to go. Not a happy camper. Then today as I walked up my street on the way home lo and behold my sidewalk is gone! It's now dirt. I swear I am so sick of this construction.

I should probably go tackle the kitchen right now - get the garbage ready for tomorrow and wash the million plates we've seem to dirty this week.

I will most likely go read some diaries until the hubby wakes up.

One more thing. I forgot to mention my 'grand plan'. Next week I will be working 8 - 4 and then switching off with a co-worker so she'll work 8 - 4 after that (alternating week to week). I was thinking that rather than keep switching my alarm clock back a half hour every other week I would actually get up and maybe oh I don't know exercise? Walk? Bike? The possibilities are endless! Whether I do this is to be seen. The best made plans and all that jazz.

5:43 p.m. - 2006-05-25


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