curious-me's Diaryland Diary


A Week's worth of entries - kinda lame I know

Okay I feel really stupid posting this entry from Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday but hey I took the time to write it so I am going to post it � dang it all!

PS � feeling A LOT better now (re my entry last night). Going to Casino Rama tonight to see Michael! Here�s to an awesome extended weekend � please please please don�t rain on us!!!!!

Wednesday (Day) Entry:

Man I so suck! I wrote an entry on Monday AND Tuesday and forgot to post either one! So because I spent all that time typing them I am going to post them now � oh yes I am.

Quick hits:

Feeling very fat and out of shape (does not help the gym is a distant memory and the chocolate is back in my life full force. Let�s just say me and a bunny had a show down Sunday night and I won � or lost depending on how you look at it).

I have started taking Echinacea today cause I feel like I may be coming down with something � DAYS before the long weekend! Ah.

Speaking of which, this long weekend is gonna kill me. So much running around for such a short period of time.

Keith and I have been joined at the hip the last few days � not necessarily a bad thing EXCEPT I have to non conspicuously ditch his ass so I can go finish getting his b-day gifts. To double the frustration we�ve gone to the store that I�m getting his gift at 2-days-in-a-row! I�m hoping cause he slept all last night he�s gonna need a nap this evening before work in which case I can book it to the store without him none the wiser!

I can�t believe I am seeing Michael Bolton in a little over 24 hours and I don�t have the time or energy to get excited about it.

I will end this now and let you read on the goodness that has been the past two days. Oh wait � one more thing � one of my Echinacea caplets feels like it�s lodged in my throat � GREAT.

Monday and Tuesday:

So I just took the easy way out � the cowardly way if you will. I�m supposed to go camping with T and her man this weekend. I invited S and her man along and they surprisingly said yes. I seriously expected no. I didn�t ask T ahead of time so I wasn�t sure how she�d feel about it. She likes S but nobody really likes her hubby (he�s extremely moody). So T and I have been emailing back and forth about camping and supplies etc and I�ve been dropping in little sentences about what S is bringing in regards to booze and when S and her man are expected to show. I know T doesn�t read my emails in full cause she�s usually too busy. So I�m counting on the fact that she�s glossing over the fact about S or may think that I had previously emailed her that they were coming but she didn�t read that email in full. Cowardly I know but I don�t like scenes. Not that I think T would make one but ya never know. I am so not a confrontation kind of person. I feel ill when I confront someone. That�s why when we have meetings to confront our boss on something she is doing I freeze.

Okay that tangent came out of nowhere. The point is, so far T has not mentioned anything about S coming even though I even said at one point S and her man D are expected around 7 or 8.

Anywho I started writing an entry yesterday but didn�t get a chance to complete it. Rather than delete it let�s just copy and paste! Without further ado,

Monday�s entry:

You know when you wake up refreshed and ready to face the world and not only that but you are having a great hair day? Yah well that�s not me. I am the opposite of refreshed. I feel as if I am walking in water � slow and heavy. Ugh. And my hair? My hair is down right disgusting. Remember when I was in T dot last weekend and I said how great my hair looked after I washed it there? Well my parents also have �soft� water but their water doesn�t make my hair look good just feel soft. Being the idiot I am I decided not to put the extra conditioner in my hair this morning after my shower. So not only is my sucking but it is sucking hard core. I need more sleep.

There�s so much to do this week that I can�t even wrap my head around it. We essentially have 3 days (including today) to dig out our camping equipment � shop for our �non-parishables� this week, pack our clothes for a week away and then load it all into the car Wednesday night so we�ll be ready to go Thursday afternoon. It doesn�t sound that bad written like that but trust me it�s gonna be non stop craziness. Plus I have to deal with a man who�s not all that thrilled to be going to the concert on Thursday and is letting me know it. It doesn�t help that we were both super cranky on the drive home last night and I said some pretty harsh things to him.

Part of my crankiness is due to the fact that I forgot my rechargeable batteries at my parents (including my charger) for my camera. Not a big deal since we will be there again Thursday night after the concert. The problem? I need those batteries for my camera for the concert! I think we�re gonna have to take the round about way to Casino Rama and stop at my parents for these things. Just add another thing to the list!

Then? My coffee lady tells me this morning that she won $8000 on the weekend at the casino. How much do I hate her right now? A lot. She�s gonna use the money �to fix her pool�. Must. Not. Be. Bitter.

On an upside my mom loved her gift from me. In fact everyone was quite tickled by my homemade brochure. They should be cause I spent ALL day Friday at work making it! I seriously did no work! I came up with this idea to take my mom to a theatre production - just the two of us. Then I decided to give her a choice of what she wants to see. That�s when the brochure idea popped into my head. It was really quite good if I do say so myself.

I won�t talk about the fact that my biological clock started ticking hardcore in church on Sunday when everyone was going on about Mother�s Day. Nope. Not gonna talk about that at all. Depressing.

End of Monday�s Entry!

Okay so yesterday evening went better than expected. I was dead tired but the hubby and I still went out and did a little grocery shopping. We were going to tackle finding our camping equipment and sorting through it but decided to do that tonight. Instead we ate some dinner (yummy burgers and salad) and then went our separate ways to do some tv viewing (me in the bedroom and him in the living room). We did have a tense moment after dinner when we were sitting on the couch. We both heard the �noises� coming from around the computer area but nothing emerged. Sigh. Out of sight never out of mind story of my life.

While watching tv I packed most of my clothes for the weekend. But it�s hard cause the weather is so unpredictable! Plus I need about 2 changes of clothes per day. The hubby could wear the same thing for 3 days only changing the essentials � socks and underwear. My bag is always triple the size and weigh of his! I watched the 2nd half of Grey�s Anatomy. I was set to tape it but good thing I watched it � it was 2 hours! Imagine how disappointed I would have been if I had just taped it. Speaking of disappointment the hubby and I sat down last night to watch Survivor (we taped it but I watched most of it Sunday night solo) and the tape was blank. NOTHING taped! I felt like crying. I felt so bad for Keith. It was stupid too because I thought it was taping! I sat there and didn�t even know the stupid vcr wasn�t taping. I�m not a moron but we have a hand me down vcr that neither of us know how to work properly. Most vcr�s you can have it on while it�s recording which we were doing cause certain channels come in like crap (even though we�re paying stupid money for this cable). Do NOT even get me started on that rant! It drives me nuts to know we�re paying good money for tv we can�t watch. But unfortunately it�s probably the hubby�s fault cause of splitting and lose connections etc. I love the man dearly but sometimes he drives me to drink. Patch the damn mouse holes already and fix the damn tv cable! Since it would start a huge fight it I yelled that at him I will yell it in here.

Well I best get back to work now. I�m at reception for the next 2 � days. Good times.

(I better stop drinking water right now. The women�s washroom has just flooded (pipes not the toilet). Which means if I have to go pee-pee I will have to get someone to come sit at reception while I go up 2 floors to do my business. May I say I am so happy that I went and visited the little girls room about half an hour before this happened. Cause wow I really had to go.

11:17 a.m. - 2006-05-18


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