curious-me's Diaryland Diary


I think the positve definately outweighs the negatives this time!

Well this weekend may have just changed my life....and I'm 99% sure it will be for the better!

I shall get to the life changing event but first a lead up also known as a recap!

Friday Keith and I had T and her guy over for dinner. It went pretty good. We ate and had some drinks and then around 9 went out to a local bar to have our combat juice. T's guy only stayed for one jug while the three of us polished off another 3. Around midnight we headed to a new bar that had just opened (the one T and I were supposed to go to Thursday) only to find it closed! What the? Not sure what happened there. Rather than go to a different bar we decided to head back to our place to finish off the night. We finally called it a night around 2am and headed for bed.

Sataurday after getting up around 9:30 the 3 of us were sitting around talking about houses and Keith dropped the bombshell that he was now thinking that maybe we should look into getting a storage unit for our stuff until we find a house. That is where I might have lost it. I told him quite strongly that I would not do that as it would be taking a step back and I will NOT do that. I think I may have surprised him with the strength of my convictions but I refuse absolutely refuse to spend another winter in this apartment.

After that mini drama the 3 of us headed out for some lunch and then ended up looking at houses. It started out by one of us seeing an open house sign and then it became a game. We began to stop at all the open houses we saw! It was only 5 or 6 in total but still it was neat. Most were out of our price range but it's good to know what's out there.

Saturday night we headed over to the pool party at my belly dance teacher's house. It had been raining all day quite heavily but the night was perfect and clear. They had a heated pool and T and I waited the kids out until they finally got out at 9 and then we took it over. Good times.

After the party we dropped T off at one of her friend's places so she could party with her which was perfect by me cause I was bushed. The drive over was rather stressful though as our car started to act up and do this revving thing and chug thing - not good times.

(Might I just add while writing about these stressful things the downstairs neibhours bass is nearly blowing my eardrums - fuckin' A)

Anywho after dropping T off we restarted the car and it seemed to perform better but we're still going to get it checked out asap. We got home and I had just started to relax when Keith told me that the lock on our door was busted. Not only that but it had busted in the 'lock' position. We were locked in our apartment. I may have had a mini panick attack cause I can't stand being locked in. We finally went to bed around 12 and I, of course, dreamt about being locked in our apartment!

Oh I should mention that earlier that morning T had been on the computer looking at houses for us and she went ahead and emailed some realtors for us to look at certain houses. She emailed about 4 people and we had 2 confirmed for Sunday - one at 11:00 and one at 12:00 - the three of us would go look at them.

Sunday morning I was awake first and my first thought was of course about the broken lock! We then started calling T as she was not only coming with us but we needed her help to get us out of our apartment. Finally at 10:30 we realized it wasn't gonna happen (I had called both her cells and then her home and I spoke to her hubby who had just gone to bed - work - and I told him it was very important he wake T as we needed her!). Finally Keith took the lock apart and since it was broke it fell apart in his hands. We had to take our chances and leave for our appointments.

The first house we looked at was okay but then after discussing it found more negatives than positives - WAY too many upgrades were needed - expensive ones. It was being sold by the home owner so no realtors were involved. The second house was way farther than we wanted to move but the house was pretty good even though it was a semi something Keith didn't want. We got to talking to the realtor about buying a house and being first time buyers etc. and we.....yes here's the life changing event....we signed her on as our realtor!!!! Unfrickin' believable!!!! We have a realtor - wooooooo! Her firm also helps do pre-approvals so we are in the process of filling out the form she sent us and sending in the requested info and we will find out how much we're pre-approved for. OH MY GOD. This may actually happen.

T called during the second house but I wouldn't answer the phone and then turned it off - I was a wee bit upset with her. Keith and I went out for lunch to celebrate (but really more to eat cause we were hungry!). We then headed back home where T had also left a message. I called her back and left her a vm and within half an hour she called me apologizing and told me that her guy had told her that I had said DON'T come over we DIDN'T need her. I don't know if she's telling the truth or just placing the blame on her hubby cause she partied too hard and overslept. She asked me to go out with her so I said yes and she arrived about 30 minutes later with a bouquet of flowers! She's too funny. I told her it wasn't that serious but she said it was and she felt really bad for letting me down. She's cute.

We headed out and looked at a couple more open houses and then we went for a mani (for her) and a pedi (for me). We then headed to the local bar and had a few drinks (yah so that not drinking thing hasn't kicked in yet) and after a while Keith met up with us and we had a few more until it was time to go and be adults once again.

Keith and I did a little grocery shopping and then headed home (which was safe and sound by the way) but we did find out that our toilet is leaking something fierce. The place is falling apart all around us!

I have already called my boss and left her a voicemail telling her I wouldn't be in as I have to wait for my landlord to call first thing in the morning and have her send over someone to put in a new lock and I will also have to get her to have someone come over to look at the toilet as we now have it shut off because it's just leaking too fast. Oh I am living the life of luxury!

And I must go do some floor stomping as someone doesn't realize it's after 11 o'clock and they should shut the hell up.

Can I move tomorrow? Can I?

10:15 p.m. - 2007-07-15


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