curious-me's Diaryland Diary


And now for the results.....

I can see cleary now the rain is gone.....okay there was no rain but I CAN see clearly now!

My prayers were answered - I did not go blind during my lasik eye surgery! Here's a bit of re-cap (for my benefit of course).

I had a very sleepless night the night before the 'procedure'. We were up and out of the house by 7:45am. We arrived at the clinic, signed in and then waited for the fun to begin. While in the waiting room I heard not one but two Michael Bolton songs - yesss - it was a sign a very good sign. I met with the advisor lady who basically just checks to make sure everything's good and takes your money. We're broke now btw. Then I went into a room where I started getting eye drops in preparation and then a quick meeting with my surgeon. He asked me why I wanted to have lasik and I didn't have an answer! Um cause I want to see without glasses? Then he asked if I had any questions or comments. I told him that I didn't want to go blind and just please be careful (yah I seriously said that). Then it was back to the prep room (lazy boy chairs) where I had more eye drops and some kind of sedative that I had to place under my tongue (oh and more MB on the musac). There were 3 of us in the waiting room and the first lady was a repeat and she took about 2 minutes total for her one eye procedure. Then the second person a guy went in and he took quite a bit longer as he had 'bubbles' whatever that means it just meant that it takes even longer. By the time I went in I was so high strung even with my sedative. I layed on the table and they handed me two squishy balls and I held on to those babies like there was no tomorrow. Keith, lucky guy that he is, got to watch the procedure from a small screen outside the room - yuck. The procedure went pretty quick. They taped one eye and then they put a suction cup thing around my open eye and the next thing I remember is my eye being able to stay open when the suction cup was removed and then the laser coming down and very briefly my world went black then a hazy gray and then a burning smell (yup eyeball!) then before I knew it that eye was done and they moved on to the next. The whole thing took maybe 7 minutes and that was more positioning me and making sure I was okay etc. Then they were taking the balls from my hand, sitting me up and asking if I could see the clock behind me - I could! It was 10:15. We went into the waiting room where more eye drops were put in my eyes and then shades were given to me along with a plethora of info for my eyedrops. We only had to stay about 15 minutes longer and then were free to go. By that time I was really feeling the sedative and was feeling dopey. I had actually started to feel the sedative take affect during the second eye - I was having a hard time focusing on the laser and had to mentally yell at myself to 'focus damnit'. I didn't want to screw this up cause the sedative was hitting me fast and hard.

Keith and I left the building and it was pretty surreal. It was a nice day so the sun was really bright for my poor eyes but as we walked to the car I read license plates and was surprised that I could see so soon as they told me it would be like looking out of glasses smeared with vaseline. We got home and I immediately crawled into bed with my night patches safely taped to my head (sex-ay). I was out. I slept for 5 hours - they recommend 2 - 3 but the more the better as this was prime healing time for the eyes.

When I awoke I was feeling fine a little groggy but I was seeing fine. I had to take lots of eye drops in the first 48 hours. I was very bored the first day as I wasn't allowed to watch tv, go on a computer, read a book - basically anything fun. Luckily Keith was with me so we were bored together. We tried to find a 'free' book on tape and found this terrible one about a princess and a goblin but it made us laugh more than anything. To make sure I slept I doubled my dose of a sleeping pill and was able to sleep that night.

Friday wasn't such a great day. Eye wise yes. I went to my eye doctor for my day one check up and was doing remarkably well. We left and headed to a local plaza where we managed to get into a tiff and let's just say I ended up walking half way home in bad shoes and blind eyes! We were both to blame so I can't even blame it all on the man. Of course that little tiff left Keith unable to get me a b-day card (yah men don't do anything beforehand have you ever noticed?) and a small gift for the weekend. I say small because the night before my procedure he gave me my real gift and we had dinner at my favourite seafood place...mmmm ultimate feast. What was my gift? Why a new digital camera of course! It's wicked amazing. So fun to play with and it takes amazing pictures. I started calling my b-day "My birthday Extravaganza" okay you have to say it out loud and really emphasis and drag out extravaganza - it's really very fun - do it!

Saturday we headed to my parents and I was feeling great. My eyes were a wee bit dry but I was putting the drops in more because I was told to rather than actually feeling the 'dryness'. We stopped on the way up for a lunch at a favourite roast beef place of mine and made it to my parents by 2. A few hours later my bro and sil showed up and we had an excellent homemade dinner by my mom (nothing beats my mom's cooking!). It had been up in the air whether we were going to the derby at the fair as I didn't think my eyes would be able to handle it. But of course since I was doing so well I said I wanted to go so we put on our sweaters and coats (it was cold) and all but my mom headed out to watch cars smash into eachother. I did take precautions by wearing my clear glasses during the actual smashing (I had bought them on Friday) and also bringing some extra eye drops which came in handy. We didn't get home till almost 11:30 - late night and by that time we were all bushed. Keith and I headed to bed on our brand new air mattress - double high - and managed to have a terrible night sleep! We both could not sleep and at teh beginning were so cold I had to go and get more blankets then when one of us would fall asleep the other would roll over and the mattress would bounce and wake the other up. We were not a happy couple upon 'waking' in the morning.

We headed to church and as usual my dad didn't mention my b-day. Seriously for everyone else in my family he mentions their freakin' b-day but never mentions mine! Ahem anyway. Afterwards we headed back to the family home to have a b-day party in my honour. I wasn't out of sorts per say but my crankiness and pms were winning the war within my body. My mood was not made any better when a friend and I'm using this term loosely of the family crashed the party and for some reason was in the kitchen 'helping' out before the meal (and interesting enough she was one of the first to get her food) but I digress my father has a habit of saying grace before a meal (ya don't say a minister and all?) and then saying kids and birthday person eat first followed by women and men - it's a long held tradition in our family. So there I go with my niece and nephews I reach for my plate with a burger on it and bitch-lady snatches it out of my reach and says "kids go first". I flippin' saw red I pretty much hissed at her what my dad had said about 'birthday person' eating first and then said fine and went to walk off cause I was f*ckin pissed - who is this lady to tell me I can't have a burger in my own home. My mom caught me around the shoulders and told me no no I was allowed to eat and the bitch gave me my plate with a burger on it. I realize I may have taken this way to far as every time I mention it Keith laughs. But being a tired cranky pms'ing girl who had a headache from the brightness in church I was in no mood for her shenangigans!

Alright rant over. The rest of the party went pretty smoothly. We had cake and then I opened my presents - mostly gift cards and money which rocked since my parents told everyone it would be preferable since we were currently packing up all of our stuff for our move. Before we left we hammered out a plan for our moving weekend with the family that could make it (pretty much just my older bro and his fam for the actual moving day). Now we have to solicit Keith's side of the family.

Whew. Our way home was pretty good. We managed to get semi lost and of course being cranky this didn't sit well with me but I was wise enough to keep my trap shut! I was being chauffeured since I can't drive till I get the go ahead from my optomereist which will hopefully be this Friday. We stopped and had dinner at a restaurant we had both wanted to try for a while. It was a very good meal a bit pricy but not too bad. Although we had to laugh as we shared dessert we both looked at eachother with this quizzical look on our faces and then before I could say anything Keith said "I taste garlic". Me too I said and then we burst out laughing. We're still not sure what that was about but we didn't complain about we just paid our bill and left - although earlier today I sent an email informing them of our garlic experience as an fyi. It was weird but funny more than anything.

And that leads us to today. Here we sit in our apartment surrounded by boxes - empty boxes. Um the packing isn't really happening. The task is so daunting we both don't know where to start so we don't. Although to be honest I couldn't do anything until tonight cause of my eyes and even then I'm not 'really' supposed to be doing anything like that but honestly I too am just to overwhelmed. It's hard to believe we're going to be moving into our new house in less than 2 weeks!

So if you don't hear from me for a while you'll know that I am off avoiding packing....or you know actually packing. Then again you may hear from me a lot more - d-land is a good time waster!

Time for more drops...and bed soon - I can't have tired eyes in the morning anymore as they are naked and exposed without my glasses! Oh the vaniety!

9:04 p.m. - 2007-09-17


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