curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Look at me writing these long entries! Tsk tsk.

I did it � AGAIN! Woo � two days in a row of getting up early and walking. Good Lord I almost feel invincible! Okay not quite but I am damn proud of myself. If you knew how anti-morning I am you would totally understand my overblown excitement.

Last night I even went to the gym as well. Okay I did end up making an eyebrow waxing appointment to get me there but still I�m gonna consider it a victory. According to my little tracker I haven�t gone in 4 weeks (minus 1 day). VERY BAD! I�m gonna kick this low blood sugar�s butt!

Of course I was also bagged by 9pm! I was seriously ready for bed but I waited till 10pm before hitting the sack (I have a reputation to uphold). The hubby was shocked I was going to bed so early. I had to explain to him that is had been quite the physical day for me and my body was protesting.

Speaking of protesting good God did my back hurt this morning on my walk. OW! Again it locked up halfway through so I would slow down and kind of do a little �moving around thang� to work it but it didn�t help so much. Although at one point I did notice that when I was in this �thinking zone� while walking I totally forgot about the pain! I�m hoping that with time it�s gonna settle down (well time and some poundage dropped).

I promise I will stop talking about this walking thing soon. But you must understand it�s a novelty for me. This morning the alarm didn�t make it through one beep to wake me (no I wasn�t that quick getting out of bed smarty pants!) the power went out. The half beep woke me (light sleeper) and I looked over at my alarm only to see black. Of course being awake and actually being awake enough to figure out what�s happening is two completely different things. By the time I grabbed my watch to see what time it was the power came back on and my alarm began to beep. At least the power had the courtesy to wait till it was my actual time to get up. So with that extra little bit of adrenalin this morning it wasn�t too torturous getting up and out of the house. I did choose a better pair of shorts to walk in this morning though. Yesterday one leg kept riding up � so annoying!

I should go snack on some veggies right now. The hubby packed a ton of them since he said I�d be eating �bad� tonight. He knows I�m trying to eat better and exercise. He�s so cute. He nearly sliced off part of his thumb for me yesterday morning! A slip of the knife while making my salad. Poor little button.

Before I go any further I must write about what �just� happened to me moments ago while taking a walk to a department store to buy the hubby some shirts that don�t have freakin� grease stains on them. There I was walking along in the sunshine very slowly cause my body was thawing out from the ac in my office (but I will never complain cause I would rather be too cold than too hot any day!). Anywho there I was passing people and I pass this one man and as we passed I heard him mumble what sounded like �nice chest�. I still don�t know if that�s what he said. But I�m trying to figure out what else it could be. Although with the crazies that roam around downtown sometimes they never make sense. But from my very brief glance at this gent he didn�t look like one of the crazies. Hmm. I guess I should be offended but for some odd reason I�m flattered. Man I�m weird. Hi low self esteem! But I shouldn�t be too surprised by my reaction cause honestly once I start going back to the gym I think of myself as one hot piece of you-know-what. Okay maybe not that far but I do feel incredibly different towards myself just by going to the gym. Now compound that with the walking I�ve been doing in the morning and yowzah watch out!

I feel like I�m cheating on my Avon lady. I got an Avon order in from a lady in the office and I�m trying to hide the bag incase the lady I normally order it from (also in the office!) comes by! I guess I went to the second lady cause she� more dependable plus it�s her that�s doing it the other lady does it for a friend. I should ask her what she gets out of it? I mean does she get a discount a kick back? This could go a long way in helping with my guilt.

Oh yah I�m wearing my brand spanking new toe ring and anklet � both flip-flops! I love them! I also bought the flip flop necklace but decided it was a little too casual to wear right now. Maybe Friday. Of course now I will go back to saving money!

I�m booking a massage for this week � right now. Hold on. Damn I got the voicemail. Okay well I left a message and I�m aiming for tomorrow or some other day this week after work. I�ve learned to make them after work cause that way she gets to work on all the really knotty muscles. If I do it on a day off then my knots aren�t as noticeable. I like to make her work for her money (heh kidding) but it feels a lot better when she gets those knots out. Man I think I just shivered at the thought of getting a massage.

I�m leaving at 3:30 today. Gonna go home change into some swankier clothes, get the hubby up, scrubbed and dressed and then head for T dot. We got reservations for a place called Alice Faloozi�s. The website looked good so I�m hoping we won�t be disappointed.

So I got an email from someone on D-land commenting on something. Normally it comes via d-land to my hotmail account but this one came from her (she must be computer savvy to make that happen unlike me). So I was about to respond cause you know it�s fun but then I realized something my hotmail account has my name on it. My hotmail address is a color and numbers but when someone receives an email from me my first name pops up. Good Lord way back when I first set it up and started doing the whole �internet dating� thing someone pointed out to me my WHOLE NAME came up. So much for keeping it anonymous! My bro helped me fix it so just my first name popped up. Now the dilemma. Do I email her back from hotmail and you know be a little less anonymous or do I write her back on her diary. Gah. We�ll see.

Damn one more thing before I post this. My weird dream. I must document it. I had a dream that I was holding a crying baby (but you know was the size of a small doll and even looked like a doll). But the thing was crying and crying. So finally I started trying to �fold� it so it would feel like it was back in the womb and would be comforted and stop crying. Yah don�t worry the hubby thinks I�m insane too.

1:40 p.m. - 2006-06-06


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