curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Girls Weekend Revisted!

Now THAT'S how a weekend should be! My weekend seemed to be filled to the brim with never ending fun and now I am so tired I am fighting to keep awake till 9pm!

So here's a breakdown of my girls gone camping crazy weekend:

I somehow managed to get through a very long Friday as I counted down the hours and then minutes till my weekend started. It seemed to take us forever to pack the car once I got home and after we left I remembered I forgot a few things and we had to turn around and go back. Couple that with stopping for a few things and I didn't get to T's place of work till half an hour after I had planned. But all was well and we loaded most of my camping gear into her truck (I say most cause the back was filled with free firewood). Alas my camping tote was left behind and that contained several things we would need over the weekend -matches being the most important!

T and I got to Milton in good time and decided to stop for dinner. T's great cause she's not a fast food gal so we went to Kelsey's and got an appetizer platter and had a few drinks - a very nice way to start the weekend. Even though we got to the site half an hour later than we thought S still hadn't arrived. Just after we got T's tent up S arrived. T and I decided to share her tent and rather than share an air mattress we put both of them in her tent - it took up ALL the room but made sleeping much more comfy.

Friday was pretty mellow as we got everything set up and then decided to drive to the beach for a quick dip at 9pm. The water seemed cold but was very refreshing. Afterwards we got back to the site and started our first fire (with matches acquired from the nearby store as none of us brought any!). We sat around the fire had a few drinks, S had a hotdog and then around midnight we decided to call it a night. S was the first to hit the sack and T and I sat by the fire a bit more until the light drizzle started to come down harder. Half an hour later as we lay in the tent the rain began to pour in earnest and we were quite tickled at our timing.

Around 3am I woke up to a scratching noise. We had been hearing sounds from behind the tent before we went to bed (most likely animals but still my overactive imagination imagined worse). I stared at the closed window but couldn't see anything. It was then that I saw a figure beside the window - except the figure was on the inside of the tent. It was T sitting up on her mattress touching the closed window. I sat up and asked her what she was doing. She told me she was trying to get out to go pee. I told her the door was at the other end (we were on a slight angle thus the door being at our heads). T turned around and continued to touch the door and not opening it. I asked her what she was doing and she said trying to find the zipper. I thought it odd since the zipper is always on the bottom left so I told her wear to look and she still couldn't open it. Finally I climbed half out my bed and started the zipper for her. She called me cute for 'knowing where the zipper was' her words and then she finished opening it and climbed out. I then realized it was still pouring down rain quite hard and found it odd that she had to go that badly - cause of the rain. I almost went out to find her after a few minutes when she climbed back in and closed the zipper and went right back to sleep. I should mention that we were nowhere near a bathroom so we were 'improvising' in the field near us.

In the morning I told T about her bizare behaviour and she had no recollection of it! None. So we think a little sleep walking went down. Joy.

Satarday was a sizzler from the start. Once all of us were up we blurrily sat on the picnic table working up energy to do anything. It was then that we decided a trip to Tim's was in order so we hopped in T's truck - bed head, pajamas and all - and drove to Tim's. Of course we couldn't have gone through the drive through - that's not embarresing enough! Nope, we had to go in and go to a regular bathroom and then stand in line for our coffee - I vowed never to go without my bra again - I'm not a girl who should go without one in public!

We had an amazing day of canoeing (is it wrong my wrists and shoulders are still amazingly sore?) and then a very fun filled day at the beach. We spent the WHOLE afternoon there. We brought a few beverages - water bottles with ice-t packs and a special 'unlabelled' bottle of clear liquid to add to the t. Oh and our J juice. Remember when MJ used to give children his 'jesus juice?'. Yah we inappropriately nicknamed our favourite alchoholic beverage that - it's a juice that S concocted and you cannot taste the aclohol at all - very dangerous. We left the beach once (just S and I) to go back to our site to grab some food and it was then that we realized we were 'tipsy'. Good driving times. We finally left around 7 o'clock all sunned out. I was a very good girl and applied and reapplied copious amounts of sunblock all day PLUS wore my hat so my delicate head didn't get burned!

Once back at camp we played cards, had some eats and then got back to drinking! Oh and we took funny pictures - I love funny pictures! Around 10 o'clock we decided to take a walk (it was our compromise of not walking to the beach that afternoon like T wanted to - the beach was a half hour walk - so even T agreed it was way smarter to drive!). We came across a site that was blaring music and sounded like it had a lot of people. We had no idea what we were stepping into.......

It was a party. A party in full swing. It was ALL men. About 20 of them. And.....all gay. Hoo boy. We nearly swooned. Gay men! We love gay men! They are so fun to hang with! They don't hit on you and are just so darn cute! Although a few of the gay man seemed to have tendencies to go 'either way'. A lot of them were enamored with T. She does that with gay and straight men. She has one of those personalities that men just love. She's cute ,but not hot in the regular sense, she just pulls it all off - it's hard to explain.

Around midnight S stumbled up to me and told me she just fell down coming back from the bathroom across the road (a bathroom we went to MANY times on the May 24 weekend). She had twisted her ankle. She was pretty far gone by then and I could tell she was gonna pass out and soon. I went over to talk to T to find out her idea of a leaving time. A while later I looked over to see S hobbling away towards our campsite. I was going to go after her but then realized if I did I would end up staying with her and I was wide awake and wanted to stay and party. So I stayed on to party....for another four hours! Unfortunately I ran out of booze way too soon and didn't want to start drinking their booze (even though it was all vodka since 18 of the 20 were Russian!). It was definately an interesting night. One gay guy kept hitting on T and then would move on to me every now and then. But he gave the most amazing back massages! Turns out he was going through school for massage therapy (of course later I found out he was currently working at a Rub & Tug - nice). Of course my massages were few and far between whereas T's were very frequent! The night got way more interesting when the 2 straight guys in the next site who were also hanging out with us got into a fight with the supposed he/she of the group (I still think she was a he!). Around 3:45am I told T that I was gonna head back to the site and that she could stay but I was beat (I was the only one sober!) and T was sitting in a group of 9 men in her glory. But she surprised me by saying she was coming with me. We told the boys we were heading to the bathroom which was the truth but then we kept on trotting home and couldn't stop laughing at the images of the gay boys coming to find T while we slept! Thankfully that never happened but after only about 4 hours sleep I woke up sore and sweaty. I looked over at T only to find that her air mattress had deflated and she was on the ground - heh.

The morning went by hot and hazy. We lounged about for a while and bitched amount the amount of food we had left (did we even eat?!) and then cooked up some that definately had to be cooked or thrown out - had some breakfast and then began to break camp. It was a very LONG morning and the sun was beating down on our tired sweaty bodies as we packed the cars and then decided to hit the beach one more time before we left.

The beach was PACKED. It was insane. T and I finally found a spot as someone was pulling out and we booked it down to the water. Within seconds I was in the water and it was absolute BLISS (just thinking of it right now makes me want to be in the water!). S hobbled on down about 15 minutes later (she was in her car and very slow due to her twisted ankle). We only stayed for about half an hour even though I would have loved to spend the afternoon there but alas our men were missing us. T's kept calling her every half hour (hello annoying!) but as it turns out Keith had been trying to call me for a few hours but my cell phone had been off. He was very happy to see me once we got back at home. Unfortunately we only spent an hour or so together before he had to go to bed.

And now here I sit. I am so tired right now. I layed down beside him when he went to bed and before I knew it 45 minutes had passed. It was all I could do to get out of bed. I knew if I slept now I wouldn't tonight. I'm hoping to go to bed for 10 and actually fall asleep right away.

Right now I'm going to have some pizza, watch some tv and rest my aching wrists. (Darn you wrists - why must you hurt so much?!). My shoulders are achy too which makes me feel even more decrepit.

When did I get so old?

7:46 p.m. - 2006-07-16


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