curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Two halfs equal a whole

I went shopping this weekend and spent quite a bit of money. Whoops. But it was inevitable. I felt the 'vibe' the last few days - the shopping vibe. At least I bought stuff I needed (for the most part).

I only had a short amount of time to shop on Saturday morning as Keith and I had to leave for 2 to be at his parents. I shopped with T and we actually both spent a lot of money (for us anyway). I bought a bathing suit and a half (top only) and a white sweater (cause it's so cold out - heh). T bought 2 bathings suits, shoes and a leather jacket! She was on a roll.

Keith and I headed to his parents for a bbq and ended up staying till almost midnight. It was pretty fun except I was the dd. No drinkin' for me. There was this toddler there who Keith's parents got conned into watching for the night and man this kid scared me. I don't know how to say this - but the kid was dumb. I feel bad cause it was obvious it was through no fault of his own - his parents weren't the type to challenge him. He was 3 and could barely say simple words let alone piece a sentence together. It was actually heartbreaking. To boot he wasn't the cutest boy either. He would grunt when I asked him a yes or no question. I guess he doesn't play outside much but he loved it at Keith's parents (huge piece of land in the country). His favourite entertainment was watching the 2 dogs run and play with eachother - the kid would stand there giggling like crazy (that was cute but a little crazy at the same time). He loved to be pushed on the tire swing and would have happily sat there all night. I did feel bad for him at one point - we were at the dinner table eating just K's parents and us and this little boy who didn't really know any of us - it was then that he realized it too and burst into tears. Poor boy probably thought he was abandoned. Shortly after he fell into a very deep sleep. Probably the most activity he's seen in his little life.

All things considered it was a pretty good night at his parents - they're really nice people (except for all that chain smoking!). Ugh.

Keith and I pretty much went to sleep as soon as we got home (apparently we had a lot of fresh air too!). Although I woke up at 3:30am and felt totally nauseous. I'm not sure why that happened. I did eat pretty bad that day but still I've had worst and plus I didn't even drink. I spent the next hour sitting on the couch willing my stomach not to spill it's contents. I just nodded off when Keith came out to see where I was. I took a little pepto even though my stomach had settled down by then and immediately went back to bed.

I was a little peeved when the barking dogs woke me up at 9am this morning. I was in the middle of a frustrating dream in which Michael Bolton was playing somewhere and I asked him to take some pictures with me. He said yes so I left to go get ready and in my dream it was taking me forever to get ready as all these obstacles kept coming up (especially where putting on makeup was concerned!). Although the 'interesting' part was that I was putting on my wedding dress to take pictures with Michael - heh Keith wasn't too happy to hear about that part of the dream!

Since I'm rambling on here anyway I think I saw J Friday night at the mall. Keith and I were out shopping and we were doing our speed walk through the mall (we don't saunter) and out of the corner of my eye I think I saw J. But really I'm not too sure. I didn't do a double take and the more I thought about it the more I realized that I didn't care if it was him or not - cool.

So today was a lot busier than I anticipated. Since I was up at 9am Keith and I decided to rescue our car from the church before it got blocked in and then we went and did a lot of grocery shopping. It seemed we hit like 5 different stores and then the mall where I did even more shopping - half a bathing suit (the bottom this time) and 4 tops (3 work which is what I desperately need since my cheap Wally mart ones are falling apart already).

Keith went to bed around 4 at which tim I decided to dig through the living room closet and try and find my missing summer clothes (no luck) but I did find a few other things I was looking for so it wasn't a total loss. I then spent like 2 hours in the kitchen cleaning up and making dinner.

Now here I sit full, tired and really not wanting to go to work tomorrow. I think I'm gonna soak my feet for a while and then hopefully (please please please) fall asleep when my head hits the pillow at 11.

Here's hoping.

9:32 p.m. - 2006-07-23


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