curious-me's Diaryland Diary


The day that just wouldn't end


So I apparently have a tape worm. Okay it�s not that bad but let�s just say it�s a good thing I was asked out to lunch today by a few co-worker�s cause I just ate my tuna sandwich (at 10 am) that was meant for my lunch. Apparently my bowl of bran flakes just didn�t cut it this morning. And in a few minutes it�s coffee time and I have acquired a piece of banana bread to go with my coffee. Empty pit. I did go to bed kind of hungry last night. I felt peckish when I got home from swimming and martinis with T but due to the lateness of the hour (10:30) I decided against eating since it wasn�t good to eat before bedtime plus the fact that I was gonna weigh myself this morning.

T and I were very bad last night. We got to the pool and it was packed. We went down our slide only once realized the water was quite chilly and then completely bypassed the swimming and went directly to lounging in the swirlpool! So no actual exercise was had by me last night. But we did have our martinis and really that�s all that matters right?

11:25 am

Huh � lunch is in half an hour and guess who�s not that hungry? My bad. But do not worry I�m sure I will be able to fit the Chinese food we will be eating into me somehow!

So I did a very brave (or stupid) thing this morning and stepped on the scale. I didn�t do it last week as I was a little busy being sick but I have neglected to work out at all since then and even though I have been making an effort not to make a pig of myself those mini chocolate bars at home are becoming my downfall. But I worked up the courage and stepped on the scale. I was point two of a pound lighter. Now I didn�t go dancing in the snow covered streets naked or anything (I was just about to jump in the shower thus the nudity) but I did do a little jig of delight that I hadn�t gained in the last two weeks! Now my goal is to get my butt in gear and work out regularly cause next week will be the end of the month weigh in and measurements. I doubt much will changed from last month but I shall give it my best shot! I write this as about I�m about to leave for Chinese in a few minutes! I�m nothing if not precious!

I think I may tackle our oven this weekend. I�m still not sure yet. It�s a scary place. It has never been cleaned by myself or Keith and he�s lived there for at least 3 years prior to me. And yes, it is as scary as you imagine.

I had this really weird deep thought last night before I drifted off into a peaceful slumber. I was writing a diary entry in my head as I sometimes do (we all do that right?) and I was prefacing my entry by writing (in my head of course), �this may sound crazy but�. And that�s when the thought hit me. What if I read a diary that someone said things like my sentence above BUT they were actually going crazy? What if while reading their entries it was just so blatantly obvious that they were indeed going crazy and had NO idea that they were? Then my mind totally just shut down after that thought (I think I may have blew a fuse) and I immediately drifted off into a deep slumber. But weird eh? Let me tell you being sleep deprived and having those thoughts made it seem so much more �deeper� and �crazier� if you will.

I was toying with the idea of going for a massage tomorrow. As I was tucking the hubby into bed before I left for swimming I told him I had a sore spot on my back, he found it and said �oh you have a knot� and then proceeded to roll over and go to sleep! What kind of person does that? Tells you that the sore spot on your back is a knot and then doesn�t do anything to help get rid of it? Gah. So then I told him about my massage idea and then I realized I wouldn�t have the car and he didn�t know when he would be done for the day tomorrow so we of course got in a petty argument about that. Although he did text me an hour ago telling me he would be done work by 2 tomorrow and I could have the car then. I don�t know. I could kind of go either way now.

So, it�s Winter again. We had 2 nice days and then this morning bam back to cold temps (only -9 though) but we got some snow dropped on us last night. I left for work this morning and had to go back in for my camera and take some pictures cause the trees were covered in snow and it was just beautiful.


Well I nearly didn�t make it to the end of today � I was so freakin� bored. Not having enough work to do AND knowing it�s my Friday nearly drove me to the brink of insanity. But alas only a few more minutes so I shall post this and get ready to hit the road. Adieu.

4:19 p.m. - 2007-02-22


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