curious-me's Diaryland Diary


Living in the Moment

Kind of late for an entry don't ya think? Well you see, the hubby was supposed to get up at midnight tonight and since I would be going to bed only moments before he had to awake I thought it kind of cruel so I decided to post a quick entry. As I turned on the computer after walking through the door I found a note informing me that he had a hard time going to sleep and would be getting up at 1am instead (he wrote me a note cause otherwise I would be waking his ass up letting him know he's late!). So there you have it. I could, of course, turned the computer back off and headed to bed but since I'm on a bit of a high anyway I thought I would post a quick one.

I had a good night. A very good night. An excellent night! And it all could have been ruined if fate hadn't intervened. You see C and I had made plans to meet at the mall where the movie was playing. What movie? Why DIRTY DANCING of course! We were supposed to meet at 7pm for the 7:30 show. C called in the afternoon informing me she was able to meet at 6 instead for dinner and gossip. Great. So I drove to the mall got a text from C telling me she was running late cause of traffic. I decided to park in front of the theatre and walk through the mall for a bit but something didn't feel right. Finally I dug through my purse found my receipt for our movie and stared at it and stared. Then it dawned on me I had the wrong theatre! We were supposed to be at another one way across town! I called Keith to confirm that I'm a moron and ask him if I was going to the correct one and then I quickly called C to tell her the scenario. She actually took the news well and didn't call me an idiot or anything. Instead we made plans to meet at Wendy's grab a quick bite and go to the movies. If C hadn't decided to meet one hour earlier we would have been royally screwed. There's no way we could have made it across town and still got decent seats. The theatre was packed!

Oh man it was awesome seeing the movie on big screen. It was such a kick seeing it with people who also knew the movie off by heart and could anticipate every little moment and...and it just felt right! Near the end of the movie when Johnny walks into the hall and straight to Baby and says "Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner" almost everyone in the theatre said it with him and then applauded! It was just Wow! It's good to know I'm not alone with this stuff.

C and I parted ways after the movie and by this time it was 9:30. I called T as we had originally planned to meet for martinis afterwards. I figured she would probably back out as it was pretty late. But to my surprise she was a go and so we met up at our Wednesday night bar and had a few ceasars (yah I know). We also made plans for this weekend. We are supposed to go out Friday night to the country bar (my idea!) and then Saturday drive to T dot to celebrate S's birthday. We're hoping that we're gonna go out and do a little partying there as well and not just have a house party. I don't know when I turned into such a party animal. Of course ask me our plans tomorrow morning and I may have a whole different scenario for the weekend (I am so not a morning person).

So at one point tonight during the movie I suddenly started thinking of different things to do with my mom when she comes down next week. I literally had to give myself a stern command to stop it. I must stop doing that. I have taken to 'planning' my next move or a future event while I am doing something I enjoy. I really have to learn to start living in the moment more. I have to stop always multi tasking and thinking things out to far ahead especially when I should be enjoying whatever it is I'm doing. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and focused on the movie. And hoo baby am I glad I did. Sweet dreams Johnny boy...sweet dreams.

11:31 p.m. - 2007-05-02


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